Hello, I'm Nitesh, a DevOps and Software Engineer with 3+ years of experience in Software industry. I specialize in cloud computing, software development, and creating solutions for the masses. Throughout my career, I've led impactful projects, fostering a collaborative and fun work environment with my positive attitude and sense of humor. I'm skilled in reducing costs and enhancing efficiency through process optimization and automation.


Programming Lang. & Backend
Dash Plotly
Frontend / Web
React JS
Next JS
React Native
Video Editing
Premiere Pro
Filmore 9
Other Creativities
Design (Posts. Book Cover etc.)
Content Research


Quick React Pagination - NPM Package

Quick React Pagination is a simple pagination component for React applications. It allows users to navigate through pages of content easily.

Code Sharer - CodeSher

Utilizes Next.js 13, Tailwind, and TypeScript. Allows users to share code with set expiry dates, format by programming language, and generate shortened URLs for easy sharing, all without the need for a database.

Blog App - noobgeek.in

Combines Next.js 12, MongoDB, and Google Single Sign-On technologies. Enables user registration and facilitates Q&A interactions in a blog-centric platform.

Terrorism Analysis With Insights

This is a real client project that is part of my internship at Forsk Technologies Pvt. Ltd. In this, I have built a dashboard featuring a map and a chart to plot terrorism events by region, country, state, city, etc.

Password Generator in Python

By "Random" module in python, I built a GUI-based password generator in a combination with alphanumeric and special characters. The GUI part is built on Tkinter module in python.

File Cluster Cleaner

Built a script that can sort files according to their file type or extension. This is a script that can be run on a computer and just need to be placed in the folder where the cluttered files are.


  • March 2023 - Present
    Software Engineer | Digital Cadre (Kroger Co.)

    - Conducting a Proof of Concept (POC) for TIBCO preprocessor system migration from RHEL 6 to RHEL 8
    - Developed an automated utility for SSL certificate renewal, ensuring 100% on-time renewal for Kroger's critical application (Product information management - PIM).
    - Designed and built Hawk Eye application to manage 17+ applications, and streamlining workflow, reducing maintenance time by 35%.
    - Implemented deployment pipelines using GitHub Actions and JFrog Artifactory, resulting in a 30% increase in deployment speed.
    - Developed Competency Management system for TCS Kroger account using Golang, ReactJs, and PostgreSQL, enhancing employee skill tracking by 50%.
    - Created a modular monitoring tool for image processing, generating alerts using Powershell and REST APIs, resulting in 60% faster issue identification and resolution.

  • March 2021 - July 2023
    DevOps Engineer and Tech Lead (Kroger Co.)

    - Managed a team of 14 individuals as a tech lead, boosting team productivity by 20% and reducing critical issue response time by 15%.
    - Implemented deployment pipelines using GitHub Actions and JFrog Artifactory, resulting in a 30% increase in deployment speed.
    - Conducted a Proof of Concept (POC) for TIBCO preprocessor system migration from RHEL 6 to RHEL 8
    - Created many modular monitoring tools that generates alerts when certain thresholds are crossed. (tech stack: PowerShell, Python, REST APIs, SQL) - Saved 60 hours of human effort and approx. $5000 savings.
    - Built an image process monitoring tool that monitors image inbound and outbound traffic, image processing, thumbnail generation/ingestion, backlog, and create alerts (Email, ServiceNow, & Teams webhook) if any abnormality that saved $10,000 per quarter by identifying issues firsthand and decreased time to market.

  • January 2021 - February 2021
    Graduate Trainee
  • Dec 29, 2020
    Became AWS Cloud Practitioner

    Learned a lot about cloud and services, worked on AWS networking, storage, compute services.

  • sept-oct 2020
    Data Analyst Intern - Forsk Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur

    Worked as Data Science Intern and completed Analytic Project titled Terrorism Analysis using Python. Learned Pandas, Numpy, Dash Plotly.

  • 2017 - 2020
    Bachelor of Cloud Computing (BCA) - Mandsaur University, Mandsaur

    Learned AWS, Server Operating System, and all things that a bachelor can learn.


Server Operating System
25 July 2020
Server Operating System - Practical Resolved Kindle Edition

The book primarily focused on practical content and less on theory. This book is the form of server operating system notes taught in academics. In this book I used the English language with a combination of laymen terms for better understanding.
As the author of this book and also a cloud computing student, I wrote what I learned in my academics in this book. So I hope after purchasing you will find this book helpful.



  • Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals
  • Go Language Professional Certification
  • Azure 900
  • AWS Cloud Practitioner
  • Machine Learning for All
  • Using Python to Access Web Data
  • What is Data Science?
  • AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk
  • Computer Vision - Object Detection with OpenCV and Python
  • Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
  • Crash Course on Python
  • Introduction to Data Science in Python
  • Python for Data Science and AI
  • HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers
  • Data Management in the Cloud
  • AWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications
  • AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native